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Our Program Philosophy

  • We MAKE IT FUN for everyone involved . . . participating youth, parents, spectators, and coaches.

  • We FOCUS ON FUNDAMENTALS. A sound foundation is the basis for the more advanced skills that will be taught in middle school and high school.

  • Everything we do in practice has a purpose and contributes toward building the five physical characteristics of a good wrestler:

    • SPEED





  • We teach our wrestlers to BE COMPETITIVE.  We stress preparedness, winning with humility, losing with dignity, and bouncing back from a loss to try again.

  • Participants in our program learn, value, and apply the traits of RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, and SELF-CONFIDENCE:

    • RESPECT for teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials.

    • DISCIPLINED in terms of their adherence to the Team Code of Conduct and focused on always doing their best.

    • SELF-CONFIDENT . . . they possess a positive attitude and mindset, believing in themselves and in their skills and abilities as a wrestler, before, during, and after wrestling in formal competition.

  • Our wrestlers FORM NEW FRIENDSHIPS during the season and learn what it feels like to come together as a TEAM.